The first issue of Semestre Geográfico(2001) -- the new semiannual journal of the Association of Colombian Geographers -- included as its inaugural invited article a paper by Professor Stanley D. Brunn. Title: La Geo- grafía en un Mundo Trastrocado (Geography in a Topsy-Turvy World). Read the Article in English
Geography has come a long way in Colombia. Beginning with the work of Martin Fer- nández de Enciso, one of the early Spanish explorers of the Caribbean region, geo- graphic research and writing gradually became a learned tradition in the country, that excelled in the cases of Caldas, Codazzi, and Vergara y Velasco. Nonetheless, the development of a geographic profession grounded on systematic college training is a relatively late occurrence.
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La Geografía en Latinoamérica
***The significance of Ratzel's work in the contexts of contemporaneous developments and debates within the discipline of geography in Germany and elsewhere;
***The impact of Ratzel's work on other cognate disciplines as well as the significance of his own transdisciplinary forays for geography;
*** The contributions of Ratzel's work to contemporaneous understandings of the earth's regions and the possible import of them and his spatial imaginary for contemporary conceptions of regional geography.
Select papers will be published following the conference. The conference languages will be German and English. Pending funding efforts, some travel money for participants may become available.
Send queries or abstracts by June 30, 2003 to the conference organizers, Wolfgang Natter:
One century following his death, Friedrich Ratzel's work and legacy continue to merit reflection and debate. The oeuvre Ratzel produced is situated on the border-edge of two centuries, five continents and numerous disciplinary fields. With this First Call for Papers, the conference organizers solicit queries from potential contributors to a two day conference to be hosted in Leipzig November 19-20, 2004 at the Institute of Regional Geography (Institut für Länderkunde). Abstract proposals of 300 words are sought that promise to address any of the following three areas: